Chairman of the Board, CEO, President

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Final Post: My Experience Creating a Blog

This assignment was a great way to combine all the information and the many skills we have learned during this course into a final blog project.  I thought the objective of researching a famous person who has contributed to the growth of the web was very interesting and relevant to the course.  I enjoyed learning about the person I chose.  He is very interesting because his company is constantly changing and improving, and his words, “It’s Always Day 1,” contribute to the phenomenal success of his company.  
Mastering some of the skills and use of certain gadgets needed for the blog was sometimes challenging. There were times when I forgot how I had previously done something on an earlier blog.  I specifically had difficulty configuring and displaying an RSS Feed for all of my Twitter feeds.  I don’t think I would have been able to solve that had I not asked for help from Professor Rimetz.  When I was done with the basics of creating my blog, I thought experimenting with a couple different gadgets was pretty fun.  I actually stayed up really, really, late one night trying different things.  It almost seemed to be somewhat addictive.   Besides trying a different template, I really don’t think I would do anything different with my next blog because I was pretty happy with the final result.   

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jeff Bezos Talks About Amazon and His Philosophies

Timeline for the Evolution of

Prior to 1994, the Internet had been created by the Defense Department as a way of staying connected in the event of an emergency such as a natural disaster or an attack on the United States.  It also came to be used by the government and researchers to exchange information and messages.  Up until that point there was no sign of the Internet being used for any type of commerce.  When Jeff Bezos noticed the unbelievable growth in Internet usage, the foundation for his idea was poured and everything else is history.
1994, July
Moves to Seattle, Washington.  Develops business plan for, an online book selling business.

1995, July
Officially opens his Internet Book Store, Amazon.

Improvements to Amazon:  one-click shopping, customer reviews, email order verification.

Amazon Shares go public; $18 a share, $24 by the close of the first business day.

Amazon sells music, cds, videos, toys, and electronics.

Amazon posts profits while other companies collapse.

Opens international sites in United Kingdom and Germany.

Opens 4 fulfillment centers in Nevada, Kansas, and 2 in Kentucky.

Market value of Amazon stock greater than Barnes & Noble and Borders combined.

Borders deals with Amazon to handle online sales.

Time Magazine – Jeff Bezos, Person of the Year, King of Cybercommerce.

2000, Nov.
Amazon launches Amazon Marketplace allowing customers to sell used merchandise.

Upgrade to Amazon – “Look Inside the Book”

2002, Oct.
Adds clothing, partners with clothing retailers.

Upgrade to Amazon – “Search Inside the Book”

2003, Oct.
Formation of A9, Commercial Search Engine

Adds sporting goods to merchandise base with over 3,000 name brands.

Amazon launches AWS, Amazon Web Services (Cloud Computing).
Annual sales top 10.7 billion

Amazon introduces Kindle, hand held reading device that incorporates wireless Internet connection.

$6.7 billion in 4th quarter sales

Kindle prices cut, features added; to counter Apples’ Ipad.

Amazon deals with Wyllie Agency.  Gives Amazon digital rights to authors they represent.

 2010, July
Kindle and E-book sales top 2.38 billion.

Sale of E-books tops hard covers.

2011, Sept.
Amazon launches Kindle Fire to counter Apples’ Ipad.  Amazon’s cloud computing infrastructure supports Kindle Fire.

Sells over 20,000 products online, reaches out to niche markets, and obsesses over customer service.  Employs 21,000 people and operates throughout the world.

Biography of Jeffrey P. Bezos

Jeffrey P. Bezos was born on January 12, 1964, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to a young teenage mother.  By the time Jeffrey was 4 years old, his mother had been divorced and was remarried to Miquel (Mike) Bezos, a Cuban who immigrated to the United States when he was 15 years old.  Mike Bezos became Jeffrey’s stepfather and the family moved to Houston, Texas.  As a young boy he spent most summers working and helping his grandparents run their 25,000 acre ranch.
Jeffrey was always mechanically inclined and interested in science.  At a very early age, he actually took apart his entire crib with a screwdriver.  Later on, he turned his parent’s garage into a scientific laboratory.  When he was a teen, his family moved to Miami, Florida where he became infatuated with computers.  In high school, Jeffrey was the valedictorian of his class and later graduated from Princeton University, summa cum laude, Phi Betta Kappa, with a degree in computer science and electrical engineering.  Jeff landed a job on Wall Street after graduation in the computer science field.  He helped to build networks in order to conduct international trade.  Jeff later rose to the position of vice president in finance at Bankers Trust and senior vice president at D.E. Shaw, a firm that provided computer application services to the stock market.  In the spring of 1994 Jeff discovered a phenomenal percentage increase, 2,300%, in Internet usage.  He studied the top 20 mail order businesses and decided that the sale of books, which currently no mail order company sold, could efficiently be run over the Internet.  He immediately dove into learning whatever he could about the book business.  Jeff Bezos left his lucrative position in New York and moved to Seattle where he could utilize the resources of Ingram, a book wholesaler.  Jeff set up his test site in a 2 bedroom house.  Approximately one year later from the time he headed for Seattle, Jeff Bezos officially launched his company which he called Amazon, named for the continuous South American River with its infinite tributaries.  Within the first 30 days, Amazon had sold books in all 50 states and 45 different countries, and by September sales reached $20,000 a week. 
And so, the birth and rise of began.  Jeff Bezos’ goal for was for it to evolve from being the “Earth’s biggest bookstore to the Earth’s biggest anything store.”  He introduced the sale of many new items over the years and sacrificed profit in order to increase the market share more quickly.  He focused or obsessed on customer service and transformed Amazon to be the “world’s most customer-centric company.”  With the introduction of the Kindle in 2007 and the Kindle Fire just last month, he not only runs the world’s largest online store, but controls 95% of the electronic book sales, and is a viable competitor of Apple in the field of technology.
Jeff Bezos has changed our lives not only by the way we shop, but by the way we read, and now are able to interact with the world through Web 2.0.

Academy of Achievement

Meet Jeffrey P. Bezos

The famous person who has contributed to the popularity of the web that I would like to introduce is Jeffrey P. Bezos, Founder, President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board for  I selected him because is my favorite website and I wanted to learn more about it.