Chairman of the Board, CEO, President

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Final Post: My Experience Creating a Blog

This assignment was a great way to combine all the information and the many skills we have learned during this course into a final blog project.  I thought the objective of researching a famous person who has contributed to the growth of the web was very interesting and relevant to the course.  I enjoyed learning about the person I chose.  He is very interesting because his company is constantly changing and improving, and his words, “It’s Always Day 1,” contribute to the phenomenal success of his company.  
Mastering some of the skills and use of certain gadgets needed for the blog was sometimes challenging. There were times when I forgot how I had previously done something on an earlier blog.  I specifically had difficulty configuring and displaying an RSS Feed for all of my Twitter feeds.  I don’t think I would have been able to solve that had I not asked for help from Professor Rimetz.  When I was done with the basics of creating my blog, I thought experimenting with a couple different gadgets was pretty fun.  I actually stayed up really, really, late one night trying different things.  It almost seemed to be somewhat addictive.   Besides trying a different template, I really don’t think I would do anything different with my next blog because I was pretty happy with the final result.   

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